Saturday, April 18, 2009

I suck at this blogging thing

I apparently really suck at this whole "blogging" thing. I set one up and then don't ever use it haha! Life has just been so crazy lately. Schools been keeping me busy! Only 3 more weeks left and I have SO much to do still! I guess thats what happens when you put everything off until the end of the semester! I can't believe 1) my roommate is graduating this may and 2) I'm graduating in December! Seriously! Where has the time gone?!

So I am moving back home for the summer. I have mixed feelings about it. I am ready to see my family and friends back home for the summer and excited to get to hang out with them and everything but I have definitely made a life out here in Abilene full of friends and stuff so it's going to be hard to leave! I am contemplating changing my mind but I'm not sure if that's even an option right now. I need to network and stuff for jobs for when I graduate in December so, maybe it's best I go home. I just don't know if I am ready to give up Abilene just yet. Who knew i'd be saying that? I remember when I went home every weekend cuz I hated it here, now it's complete opposite! I guess I should get used to the fact of leaving good 'ol A-town since I'll most likely be leaving for good in December! That is unless I come back for grad school. Who knows where life will take me!

Anyways well, that's REALLY all there is to say. Not very exciting I know but in the life of a college student! :) Until next time I get around to this thing!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I am bad at this

I am horrible at updating apparently. So let's see...Sing Song was good. I enjoyed the show and spending time with the family! After the family left, Sarah (roommate), Carli, and Anna all went out for Sarah's 22nd birthday. We went to a little bar/country dance club called Guitars and Cadillacs. It was quite an adventure. We people watched a LOT! Who knew old people were so entertaining? Anyways, other the people watching of course we got our groove on too! Anna and I attempted to 2-step but apparently I said something funny that messed us up. What it was I can't remember but I'm sure it was clever :)

Other than that I haven't been up to much other than stressing over school (what's new right?) I had a project due yesterday but I think for pulling creativity out of my butt I did pretty well! Then came the test today. YIKES! I probably could have studied more but since spring break is just days away I seem to have lost motivation for school! So I am pretty certain I didn't do so well!

I don't know if I've said this yet but...I am SO ready for spring break! I need a break from school. I hope it's warm. I have been enjoying these warmer days! Makes me ready for spring even more! Then it crushes my hopes and gets cold again! (Thanks for that weather)

I only work weekends now at Lowe's. Mainly because I have a lot for school but apparently that doesn't make any difference because I'll just find something else to distract me from my studies (like last night I went and watched Beauty and the Beast at Larone's with him and Mel) then went home saying "Ok, I'm going to study now" but then realized it was so nice outside I needed to go for a walk and get some exercise! So I did just that! THEN I came home and my roommate and I had some giggles over boiling eggs. THEN I really did start studying. But of course by this time it was about 9 o'clock so needless to say I rewrote my notes for 2 hours and went to bed. Doesn't count much for studying which is probably why I didn't do so hot today on the test!

Well I guess I've updated enough! Until next time I remember to update.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just another day...

Well first off I am frustrated I can't make my page all pretty like I want. It's probably my computer...oh well. Moving on.

So not much has happened since my last post I guess. Just working and schooling. Tests and homework, the usual. I am ready for spring break already! I got invited to go skiing over spring break but not sure I can afford that now that my hours at work are cut (which means my paychecks now cut...less money is the downfall). So, I will most likely just go home! Which is what I do every year. And this is my LAST spring break that's sooo weird to think about! This time next year I will be done with my undergrad. Geez time flies. I can't believe it!

Anyways, work has been getting a little better I suppose. Probably just because I don't work as much so it's easier not to completely hate that place. They've hired a bunch of new people, but I was told today by my department manager (who kind of jokingly asked me to close tonight even though I wasn't scheduled to) that I was the best cashier out of all of them because I knew way more. That kind of made me feel important. Yay for being important! Some days I feel like she doesn't like me, yet some days I feel like she does! Weird. Must just be her personality.

Let's see...what else is new. Oh! I finally cleaned my room and have successfully kept it clean for the past 2 days. That's probably a record for me. I also did laundry. I haven't quite finished that yet but I have also successfully run out of room in my closet. SO i'm going to probably have to do some rearranging and recycling of clothes to make room lol. What fun that will be!

Sing Song is this weekend! Jenny, Madeline, Caroline, Amy, and mom are coming this weekend to watch it with me (I'm not in it this year. I thought about how maybe I should have just because it's my last sing song but i've done it once that was enough for me I guess.) But i'm pretty excited about them coming! I'm just ready for some family time! I miss it! Another reason I'm ready for spring break! I have tomorrow and Friday off so I will probably spend that time doing some finishing up with the cleaning around well as homework of course. I will be sure to update after the weekend though.

Until then.
CIAO! :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Post #1: Random!

Well...I suppose this is my first blog in a LONG time! I'm sure my blogs won't be very interesting but hey it kills time right? Anywho - so I have today off from work, which seems to happen a lot now thank goodness. Who knows how long it will last though because apparently my requested availability tends to get lost, disregarded, or probably both at some point. Oh well not much I can do about it.

My room is a disaster area, but what's new there. I have been definitely feeling very lazy and nonproductive lately. Not much of a good thing so maybe that should change. On that note, I think I'm going to start on my room now (maybe)

This was so lame, but if you're still here reading I give you props haha. Until next post!
